Our passion is to help local musicians make awesome sounding recordings. Below are just some of the services and pricing we offer, but we understand that everyone's requirements are different and every project is unique, so please don't hesitate to get in touch for a free, no obligation quote whenever you're ready!

from £12 per hour
Our two rehearsal rooms provide excellent sound isolation and boast air conditioning and inclusive equipment so you’ll hardly need to bring anything with you or have anything to pack up at the end. Both rooms have two guitar amps, bass amp, 3 mics and stands, PA system and 5 piece drum kits. Check out our gear page for models and more details.
The main difference between the two rooms is size. Studio 1 is the larger of the two and we recommend this one if you’ve got five or more members in your band. Studio 2 is a good fit for bands with four members or less.
Rehearsal rooms are available from 9am in the morning till 10pm in the evening. You can make bookings as and when you need them or you can arrange to have a regular booking. Studio 1 costs £14 per hour and Studio 2 is £12 per hour. You can pay at the end of your rehearsal with cash or card.

from £32 per hour
If you’ve already recorded the audio for your project we can help you complete it with our editing and mixing services.
Our skilled engineers deliver professional sounding mixes that allow your music to reach it's true potential. Editing can range from simply shortening a section all the way through to tuning, timing and audio restoration of damaged material.
Mixing and editing is priced from £32 per hour. We can give you an accurate estimate of how long a job will take in advance.

from £22 per session
We offer a range of engineering and production tuition on our studio premises with our experienced in-house team and have access to a wide range of live-band workshops and experiences through our partners at Room for Music.
In addition we have excellent links with a wide range of local instrument and vocal tutors, so get in touch and let us know what you're interested in and we'll point you in the right direction!

from £32 per hour
Whether it’s a simple recording of a single voice or a full scale recording of a large group or ensemble, Brickwork Studios can help you successfully realise your project. We know from experience there can be no cookie cutter approach to recording and each project is unique. We listen to how you want to record and what you want to achieve and adapt to meet your needs.
Our standard studio rate starts at £32 per hour and that includes a staff engineer, exclusive use of the studio and it’s equipment and rooms. We can also put together lower priced rates where less of the studio’s facilities are needed. For example if it’s just you recording vocal takes over existing music, we can do that in one room at a reduced rate.
In addition to recording at the studio we offer location recording where we bring all the equipment to you. The standard location recording rate is £32 per hour ( plus travel expenses ).
Feel free to get in touch or come to the studio for a chat about what you want to achieve and we’ll discuss the options and work out an efficient package tailored to your project.

from £22 per hour
When you’re ready to finalise your music for release we can offer a comprehensive mastering service. From putting the final polish on an individual track for digital release through to production of CDs and Vinyl in large or small quantities.
Our staff can guide you through the process of successfully releasing your music offering experienced advice on copyright, artwork, physical media and digital delivery services.
Mastering and release consultation starts at £22 per hour. As a guide you can expect each 5 minute song that needs mastering to take an hour to complete. Feel free to arrange a no cost, no obligation chat with one of our engineers to discuss your project and it’s likely costs.

Whether you're looking for a PA hire for your next gig or are looking to host a full blown festival, we have equipment and staff to help support your local event.
Get in touch to discuss requirements and we will put together a bespoke quote including discounts for charitable and not-for-profit organisations.