DO contact us immediately if you have used the studio within the past 14 days and subsequently had exposure to, developed symptoms of or tested positive for COVID-19
DO provide us with your contact details for “track and trace” purposes via the form below
DO limit all bookings to members of no more than two households or “bubbles”
DO use the hand sanitisers on arrival, during your booking and when leaving the studio
DO maintain at least AT LEAST 1m social distancing at all times, particularly when entering and exiting the building and while moving through the lobby area
DO wear a facemask whenever possible
DO bring your own instrument cables and other equipment/cables wherever possible
DO NOT attend your booking if you are feeling unwell in any way
DO NOT arrive more than 10 minutes before your booking start time and ensure you have vacated the building no more than 10 minutes after your booking end time
DO NOT attempt to book or attend a session if you are living in an area that is currently under lockdown
DO NOT pay with cash, we will only accept contactless card payments or payment via email invoicing
DO NOT use the toilet unless absolutely necessary and if you do, use hand sanitiser before entering, wash your hands thoroughly and reapply sanitiser on exiting
DO NOT enter the Control Room or Store Room
DO NOT request that a member of staff enters your room during a booking
WE WILL supply and maintain multiple hand sanitiser points throughout the building
WE WILL mark out 1m zones throughout the building to assist with maintaining appropriate social distancing
WE WILL contact you in the event of any studio user alerting us to an exposure to, symptoms of or positive test for COVID-19
WE WILL stagger all bookings and ensure only one activity is allowed on site at any time and that suitable down time is maintained between each booking
WE WILL clean and sanitise the studio, including wiping down all touch points and disinfecting microphone baskets, in between each booking
WE WILL NOT share your track and trace details with anyone outside of the Brickwork Studios team and any reporting of COVID-19 exposure or risk of infection will be kept strictly confidential